Image of the Designer

Mustafa Sıtkı Asmaoğlu


Fashion Designer

"Dünya düzeninin hızına
ayak uydurmaya çalışan
ve bu hızın ivmesinde
kaybolan insanların
içinde ki çocuk yeniden
doğar. Bu çocuk masum,
saf, özgür ve cesurdur."

Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer
Image of the Designer

The turkish based fashion designer is taking us on a very private and emotional journey with his first collection dedicated to our inner child. In his designs he talks about the balance of the speeding world and our inner child.

Inspired by children's stories the designs from Mustafa are presenting a new interpretation of storytelling. The fusion of children's stories and modern fashion is creating a wonderful symbiosis of the past and the future.
